The Sunday Drive - 09/15/2024 Edition [#128]
Musings and Meanderings of a Financial Provocateur
👋🏼 Hello friends,
Greetings from Saratoga Springs, NY. 🐎 Let’s enjoy a leisurely Sunday Drive around the Internet.
🎶 Vibin'
This week is a big one for our family as our eldest child embarks on an adventure that I hope is a really good experience, but not soooo good that she forgets that Saratoga Springs is and always be… home.
While the lyrics don’t exactly land, the vibe of this week’s tune hits me right square in the “feels”. This week, I’m vibin’ to Midnight Train to Georgia by the legendary Gladys Knight & The Pips.
💭 Quote of the Week
“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.“
— P. T. Barnum
📈 Chart of the Week
I know the horse is already dead, but I’m going to continue beating it. (PSA: No actual animals were harmed in the making of this metaphor.)
I found this week’s Chart quite interesting as we’ve been discussing the role of commodities in investor portfolios in recent editions of the Sunday Drive.
From the trough in the equity markets during the Great Financial Crisis in early 2009, commodities have never underperformed stocks to this degree in modern history.
However, commodities did underperform stocks for an extended period during the post-WWII decades. It’s possible that could occur again, but the global economy is in a very different situation now versus that period, demographically and otherwise. So I would suggest that history might not repeat that period. The global economy is much more dynamic and faster paced now.
I’ll reiterate what I’ve mentioned in the recent past. A strategic allocation to commodities as a part of a diversified portfolio, largely sourced from bonds, would be a prudent move for investors that should benefit those with patience and a long term investment horizon.
🚙 Interesting Drive-By's
🤔 Vertical Integrators - from Packy McCormick [Link]
🤔 Vertical Integrators: Part II - from Packy McCormick [Link]
💡 A Severe Case of COVIDIA: Prognosis for an AI-driven US Equity Market - from J.P. Morgan [Link]
💯 “Like Tears in Rain”: Innovation, Domination, & Obsolescence” - from Douglas Ott [Link]
? Questions and Answers vs. Feature and Benefits - from Jason Fried [Link]
👋🏼 Parting Thought
If you have any cool articles or ideas that might be interesting for future Sunday Drive-by's, please send them along or tweet 'em (X ‘em?) at me.
Please note that the content in The Sunday Drive is intended for informational purposes only, and is in no way intended to be financial, legal, tax, marital, or even cooking advice. Consult your own professionals as needed. The views expressed in The Sunday Drive are mine alone, and are not necessarily the views of Investment Research Partners or Cache Financials.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend and a great week ahead. See you next Sunday...
Your faithful financial provocateur,
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